Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Emma See Emma Do

Emma is really watching what Scott and I do and is trying to mimic somethings. She sees us throwing toys to Cali and just recently will get her toys and try to give them to Cali. She is also doing great with giving me things if I hold my hand out to her. She will share her stacking cups with me. The other day Scott was hugging one of her dolls and he gave it back to Emma. She then hugged the doll the same way. I caught it on camera tonight at my mom's where she was hugging the snowman. So cute!!
She sees us talking on the phone too or sees us play talking on her phone and she is trying to use her rattle as a phone. The phone she has folds too easy for her to use it as we use phones right now.
I love watching her learn and grow!!