Sunday, December 11, 2011

Don't Let Him Fool You

This is my last week of teaching until after New Year's! My school always divides into teams the last week and a group of teachers or staff provide lunch for everyone else. My day to bring something is tomorrow. I signed up to bring two sweet is the Secret Santa cookies which I will make tonight after church and the other are Dipped Pretzels which I also made for our Sunday School Christmas brunch today.
 We came home and Emma went to take a nap in her crib so I decided to go ahead and make the dipped pretzels before going to church. I asked Scott to help me....I told him he could be in charge of the sprinkles. He could decorate them however he wanted. Don't let him fool you by saying he didn't enjoy it......he did!!
 He helped the process go by much faster. He even got to decorate one pretzel just for him the way he wanted!! They are very easy to make. You need the big pretzel rods, some almond bark, and sprinkles. I always do vanilla almond bark but chocolate would probably be good too! Dip the pretzel into the bark, lay on some wax paper, sprinkle, and leave to dry. We enjoyed our little date in the kitchen while sweet girl napped.
Here is the finished project! I hope the teachers tomorrow will love them.