Monday, June 4, 2012

Fun Day With Kalynn

We had such a fun day with a good friend of mine today. We met up after lunch and after Emma had her first nap of the day. Yes, at almost 17 months, she still likes her two naps a day. This is sweet girl right after her nap.
We went to a splash park located downtown. It was so nice. There was not that many people there and it completely gated. Emma did not run right to the water, but after some time she would go and play in it. 
She walked all over that area like she owned it. She would walk away and squeal with such delight.
My dad happened to be on that side of town and rode by and saw us so he stopped to see Emma for a little while.
Then we went to Kalynn's house to swim and try out Emma's new float. 
We bought her one the last time we were at Kalynn's house, but Emma did not want anything to do with it. It only allowed her legs to be in the water. Scott and I saw this somewhere and wondered if she would like it. The picture looked like more than just legs would be in the water. He went to Wal-Mart to get some items with Emma last night and came home with this. It was a great buy. She loved it. Her whole body(chest down) was pretty much in the water. She also could not climb out as easily as she could with the other one. She LOVES water. My dad bought her a water table the other day that she loves too. I will have to take some pictures when she goes outside to play with it again and do a post on it.
YES, even in the pool, this sweet girl loves those two fingers!! :)
After we got out of the pool, we ate freeze pops. She has a thing with having one of each in her hand. If she is eating cheese-its, she wants one in each hand. She was the same way about these.
After a day in the sun and water, she was tired and took a nap when we got home. After eating Sonic cheese sticks and drinking their coke of course!!! :)