Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wild Girl

Our house is currently on the market to sell. We had someone wanting to come look at our house today, so Emma and I went to Wilder's World to play for a little while. We had never been and I was wanting to check it out, so this was the perfect time to go. She enjoyed playing in the toddler section for awhile and then went to play on the one toddler bouncy house, but really didn't get it yet.
She was really into checking out the big ones that she could not get on yet. We will have to go back with Scott, so they can go on the big ones together. She did enjoy riding the horsy some.

Right before we left, she went to sit in the Princess chair. She must know we are taking her to Disney in less than a week. Scott and I are like kids on Christmas Eve. We love going to vacation and Orlando is special to us because we spent our honeymoon there.