Sunday, September 25, 2011


Our weekends are normally busy. I love to lay around the house, but I also love just getting out and doing things. This weekend was no exception. I picked Emma up from daycare on the way home from work and we were so excited to see Daddy. Then we all went out shopping and ate at Blackbeard's. Emma even had some cheese grits. She had grits for the first time last weekend at a wedding and LOVED them!! 

We had a lazy Saturday morning at the house. OJan came and got Emma to take her to see Uncle Brandon & Aunt Krista. We ate at a Mexican place for lunch. Then they came back home to pick me up and we ran all over town doing different things. We got home and Emma crashed!!
While Emma was sleeping, I made her some Butternut Squash. It turned out really good and she loved it!! This is her staring at her soon to be supper.
That night we had two of our good friends (John & Erica) over for dinner. I meant to take a picture and completely to do better at remembering to take pictures.

We woke up this morning and got ready for church. Here is Emma in her cute dress she wore this morning. She has so many dresses I try to make sure she wears them at least once. I wish she could wear them more often than she does.
Then we met Krista's family at Outback for lunch. They were visiting for the weekend. Scott, Emma, and I came home and took over an hour felt so good!! 

I kept the babies tonight at church so Emma went in there with me. She was so great!! 
She loved playing with all of the toys in the playroom.
Emma is sound asleep and Scott & I are watching a movie. I love spending my weekends together as a family....even if they are busy!!