Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy 7 Months & Thankful Thursday

Dear Emma,
This post is going to be two in one. First off, there are quite a few pictures on here from your seventh month picture shoot. I just couldn't decide which ones I liked the best. Secondly, I am including a "Thankful Thursday" post. I want to start doing one every Thursday. Today I am thankful for many things, but I am very thankful for your daddy.
 Words can't even begin to describe the love I have for him.
I hope you grow up knowing how much we love each other.
 I hope you hear us constantly tell each other how much we are thankful for each other.
I am thankful he helps me keep the house clean.
I am very thankful that he would get up in the middle of the night or bright and early in the mornings when you were just a few months old to change your diaper while I fixed a bottle.
He would then feed you so I could get a few more minutes of sleep before getting ready to head to work.
I am thankful that he is a loving husband and daddy.
 He loves to sing to you and dance with you. It just melts my heart when I hear him over the monitor talking and singing to you. You love music too. You will instantly start dancing (bouning while sitting down) when you hear music.
And to be honest, you are probably just as thankful it is him singing and NOT me!! But I apologize in advance, but I do sing to you. I know my voice is not great, but it is the thought that counts right?? :)
I believe you are a daddy's girl. You get so excited anytime you see either one of us, but it is so cute to watch you interact with him.
But, above all that I am thankful for him, I am most thankful that he loves the Lord and strives to live his life accordingly.
We started praying for you even before we got pregnant. Then we prayed nightly as you were being made. God has made you in his perfect way and I pray that you grow up knowing how much Jesus loves you. I pray that your daddy and I will be the parents God has called us to be. We have so much love for you sweet girl, but that love does not even compare to the love Jesus has for you. I can't wait to tell you all about him as you grow up!!
We love you to pieces,
Mommy & Daddy