Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thankful Thursday & I Want Dada

This has been a busy week. And of course, I forgot my camera for most of it. I have to get better at taking my camera if Scott is not with us. On Monday, Emma went to Lillie's soccer game with OJan. On Tuesday we went to eat at OJans house.
Last night, we ate at home and then took Emma for a walk in her stroller. She LOVES being outside. She was content the entire stroll. We came home and Scott rocked her. She was out within 5 minutes.
Today I picked her up from school and Granddad (my dad) came over to play with her. Then Scott, Emma, and I went to a local consignment sale a neighborhood was having. We bought Emma a couple of dresses and outfits. They all look brand new and one item actually still had the tags on it. Emma and I then went to my school to watch the third graders perform. It was the first performance of the year and they did awesome.
And since this is Thankful Thursday....I am so very thankful for bring able to work at such an awesome place. The people I work with are wonderful. I love my first grade team. My administrators are awesome. They are christians and go out of their way to make sure we have everything we need in order to make our job easier. I enjoy going to work daily....I didn't say I enjoy getting up at 5:00 a.m., but it is easier knowing I am going to a place I love.
We came home and played in Emma's room with her. She was so happy and just kept smiling and laughing. I was rocking her after we got done playing and she turned to her daddy and said "I want dada." Yes it was babbled but Scott and I both looked at each other and thought she said she exact same thing. She is so a daddy's girl!!
I am so excited for the weekend coming up. We have several things planned and just spending time as a family makes me a happy mama. One thing we have planned is going to see Sherwood's newest movie Courageous. I have seen it once before and it is amazing!! I pray it speaks to everyone who sees it.....especially the dads out there.