Saturday, October 29, 2011

Going to Susie and Papi's House

We went to stay with Scott's family on Friday night. He was going to help his brother with a senior assignment he has to complete. Mr. Joe (Papi) cooked steak for us on Friday night. We also had baked potato and salad and it was so good!! Then the family watched a movie.....I was a party pooper and went to bed early with Emma.
Emma decided she wanted to talk to mommy and daddy around 3:00 a.m. this morning. She never wakes up during the night so that was different. She then woke up at 7:00 to eat and did not go back to sleep. So around 10:00 a.m. she was not a happy girl. Susan (Susie) took her outside and she calmed down and then she finally gave in and went to sleep while Susan was holding her.

Scott and his sister Ashleigh wore the same shirt today. Ashleigh put hers on not knowing it was the same shirt Scott brought to wear so we had to take a picture of them in it.
Joe, Peyton, and Scott went to film some more of the video and spend time together, so Susan, Ashleigh, Grandma Mary,  Emma, and I had a girls day. We went to their shop so I could see all the new stuff they had gotten in. Susan gave me a snowman ornament and Emma a "First Christmas" ornament that we will hang on our tree this year. We then went to eat lunch at Three Crazy Bakers.
It was so good!! I had never eaten there. I got a tomato, bacon, spinach, and cheese quiche and some potato soup. As soon as it cam out Emma wanted some so she helped me eat mine and ate some of Susan's soup too.
We went back to their house to chill out for a little bit. Emma was pretty content in Papi's lap. 
I was trying to get a picture of Grandma Mary and Emma. Peyton was walking by so I had him get into the picture with them. This is how it turned out and then my camera died so I am keeping it anyways. Three different people doing three different things!!! This picture describes The Childs family so well!! :)
 We all then went to finish filming Peyton's video before heading home. It was a great little trip away from Albany.