Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Movie, Shopping, & Tacos

We had a lazy morning. Emma woke up, ate, and got in bed with us for several more hours. We went with OJan, Uncle Brandon, and Aunt Krista to see Courageous today. It is such a great movie with an awesome message!! It was my second time seeing it and I still cried and then laughed until my stomach hurt.
Our good friends Kalynn and Aaron kept Emma while we went to the movies. Emma did so good with them. It is a great blessing to have friends like Kalynn!!
Then OJan, Emma, and I went shopping. Emma does so good getting in and out of the car and into her stroller. She loves being in the stroller and looking around. She was going crazy at Pier 1. I guess it was just so much to see. She was looking all around while I was holding her walking through the store.

We came home and I fixed tacos for dinner. I could seriously eat tacos once a week. The more meat and sour cream....the better.
It has been such a great day!!