Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Eve

These days a post would not be complete without Mickey Mouse being apart of it. Emma was chilled out watching Mickey Mouse while holding her Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. 
Ok now for our Christmas Eve. :) We always go and eat at Pearly's (a home/country cooking place). Emma was loving the toast with jelly on it. 
It seems like a lot of people have made eating at Pearly's for Christmas Eve breakfast a tradition because it was super busy. 
Then we went back to my mom's to open gifts.
She got Emma a portable DVD player, doll house, babydoll, and a few other gifts. Brandon and Krista got Emma a stoller to push her babydoll in around the house.
Mom shocked us with a flatscreen TV. We were not expecting that. Then we came home to rest and let Emma nap before Scott's dad and Susan came over. Of course, Scott and Brandon were busy getting the new TV hooked up. Here is Joe & Susan!
Ashleigh and Grandma Mary came over once Ashleigh got off work. This was one of the first times that Emma has gone to Ashleigh and played with her.
I know Ashleigh was so excited Emma was letting her hold her.
Then they started acting silly!!
Silly silly girls!!! :)
Then Emma wanted to get a picture and Cali (BoBo) had to be in it.
Here is a picture of Susan and her mom (Grandma Mary).
We had a lot of fun with them. We snacked on chips and salsa, ate turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, corn casserole, pumpkin cheesecake, Santa hat desserts, and hot chocolate. They got Emma a bat/ball/tee set and a shopping cart.