Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Party, Gift, & Lights

Emma had her Christmas party at school yesterday. She loved eating the chicken I brought and the Cheetos. 
She got to eat beside her good friend, Abby. Abby's mom and I work together. Emma use to say Abby's name 1000 times a day. :)
Today, we had a lazy morning at home. We got up and cooked eggs and bacon. Then after lunch, my mom, Emma, and I went to the mall (crazy idea :)) for about an hour. Emma did so well in such a crowded place. We came home and she crashed in her bed with Duck Duck. 
Then some good friends of ours came over and brought Emma a Christmas gift. They gave her a puppy. Emma calls her and every other dog Bo Bo and this one looks very similar to Cali. After they left, we took her to ride a train and look at Christmas lights. 
 I think the news said this house has over 60,000 lights!!!
 They had all kinds of figurines & stands of decorations in their yard.
 Here is Emma and Scott getting ready to ride the train. I rode with her after they got back. We then went to Publix to get food to prepare during the next couple days. She did so well in Publix. She loves riding in the car grocery carts!! We have really enjoyed our Saturday!