Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mo Mo & Duck Duck

Emma was running a fever one day last week so Scott stayed home part of the next day with her. My mom stayed the rest of the day with her. Scott treated Emma to Chick-fil-A for breakfast!
Then he started to wrap some of my presents from him and Emma. She was trying to help him! The helping quickly turned into playing. :)
She has been pulling this bucket around the house with her dolls in it. She then decided she wanted to sit in it and watch Mickey Mouse. She is a funny funny girl!
We took her this past Monday to see Mickey Mouse live. She use to be all about Mickey (mo mo), but now she loves Donald Duck (duck duck to her). She sat there the whole time and just stared at the stage. 
She loved eating her popcorn and drinking her lemonade during the show. It only took about 10 tries with the bright flash to get one where she was actually looking at the camera.

Not the best picture because it was dark and she was wanting to get down, but here she is with my mom, duck duck, and her newest friend my mom got her (mini Mickey Mouse).
She was playing with Donald's beak once we got back into the car to head home.
Then she started being silly because of the flash in her face. Then she played with mini Mickey before passing out and going to sleep. She slept the whole ninety miles back home.

Emma's class is having a Christmas party tomorrow at school. I made these cute goody bags for her classmates. One has food they can throw out for the reindeer and the other has reindeer noses in them. Eight chocolate candies and one red one for Rudolph. :) Super cute idea I found on pinterest.
Last night, two of my good friends got together to eat Taco soup and make something sweet. Emma loved the soup and did so good eating it all by herself. She is getting to be such a big girl and thinks she can do so much on her own!