Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekend Recap

We had such a laid back weekend. On Friday, we went out to eat at Outback and then came home to play. My dad came over for a couple of hours on Saturday morning while Scott was helping a friend take pictures. Mom kept Emma on Saturday night. Scott and I had a date night. We went and saw The Last Song. We got the last two tickets so it was a packed movie. Then we went grocery, I know!! We got up and went to church on Sunday. Mom got to see what it was like to get ready with a toddler :). Emma went to church with her. Here is a pic my mom sent while she was getting ready for church. If you remember, I recently posted how funny Emma was being when she would shut her eyes and smile........well, she did it for my mom too.
Then mom, Brandon, Krista, and Josh came over for lunch. We fixed pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and onions. It was so good. We also had cornbread. Brandon and Krista brought over dessert. Once everyone left, we had a family nap. I love those!! Scott had today off. He went to the doctor and then went out on Josh's boat. He got Emma from school to take her to the doctor for a shot she missed at her 15 month check-up. He is at a softball game and Emma and I are playing with blocks.

She got so excited when I turned the camera on my phone where she could see herself.
We enjoyed our weekend..........hope you did too!!