Sunday, April 1, 2012

Birthday Bash

Susan knows how much Gma Mary loves my mom and how much my mom loves her, so she wanted us all to get together for her birthday. We originally planned for it to be last weekend but Gma Mary was busy with her friends :).
They came to town and we had the birthday bash at my moms house. My dad was even able to come over and visit. We colored Easter eggs, hid the eggs, rode Peyton's bike, ate dinner, and then had cake.
Peyton rode my mom on his street bike around the block.
Then he took Scott for a ride. I opted out!!
They got to play with Emma and give her a bath between all of that too. Emma caught on the concept of egg hunting very fast. She wanted nothing to do with the plastic eggs after finding all of the real eggs.
The older kids had a blast finding the eggs we hid for them. Peyton found the "golden" egg! It was nice to have them over for a visit and glad to celebrate the birthday of a wonderful lady.