Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Do Not Love This Pink....

I love just about everything pink! I do not like pink eye though. I took Emma to see Dr. W today and she does in fact have pink eye. He gave us some drops to put in her eye. I just knew she was going to freak when we tried to put them in her eye, but she has gotten to where she will deal with it the best she can. She better get use to it.....we have to do it for 9 more days!! She has to be out of daycare tomorrow to make sure she is no longer contagious.
We went to mom's today to eat some chili. Scott and Emma went to rest in the living room. Scott was watching the Falcons play, and Emma was just as into the TV as he was. She was all laid back. Scott may not have a son yet, but he does have a daughter who loves to watch baseball and football!!!